It's been a long time since I postedThis is Something I found at Geekologie (awesome website. If you haven't seen it, go see it at http://www.geekologie.com/)
It's not that the pillow is cool or anything, it's the sarcastic comments made by the Geekologie staff.
Here it is:
"From the "Everything must have Integrated Speakers" department comes Mi Pillows. If you haven't guessed by now, they're pillows that have speakers inside. They cost $60, and are available through Hammacher Schlemmer (pronounced Helter Skelter). You can hook them up to an iPod or any other audio device and, uh, listen to music while you're trying to fall asleep. The sewn on control patches don't work though, so that's a sham. On a side note, be careful what you choose to listen to while sleeping. Because last night I fell asleep to Black Sabbath and when I woke up this morning I owed my soul to the devil and had bitten the head off my daughter's parakeet."
Notice the
" Last night I fell asleep to Black Sabbath and when I woke up this morning I owed my soul to the devil and had bitten the head off my daughter's parakeet."
If you don't get the joke, Black Sabbath is a famous band in the past years....
Heard of Iron Man?
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