Friday, May 11, 2007


I'm kinda disappointed and sad right now.

1.Guitar: Yeah, I finished the VICTORIAN GUITAR on Wednesday... Then it wasn't rly great cause I couldn't care less about it.

2. Emo: it's like...the new black man. Everybody is wearing it. I'm not. I'm teh opposite of emo. Like ome or something. Na-chan was sem emo since the first time I met him so it's kinda like ok. But other graduated kids from bvps who were last time cheerful and full of energy is now turning like, " life sucks, whatever sucks" You know what, you all suck if you say that. If you think you suck, you will suck so better not suck those genitals or you will.

I am the class' spiritual advisor

- me

3: Band: I never been able to make the band actually meet...despite that there are only two of us left.

4:My self: Dude, I mean like, I'm writing all these critics about emos while I'm so like not that not emo ish...I mean like...doh! lemme show you a graph

Totally effin depressed----Goth/emo----stressed----average---satisfied----happy----gay---OMFG


I'm somewhere between stressed and average

6: Cs: I've been playing cs non stop these few days...though so far I only got 10 kills but it's as addictive as soy bean milk/ coffee.

May this post be a message to all you guys or girls...especially *Toot*

~Your class' Spiritual advisor

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