Friday, August 17, 2007

I found this thing again but I did it again since there are some different things

Go to your music player of choice and put it on shuffle.
Say the following questions aloud, and press play.
Use the song titles that come up to answer each question.

1.How does the world see me?
Dead!~My chemical Romance (lmao...dead)

2. Will I have a happy life?
Broken Hearts parade~Good Charlotte (k that doesn't sound good XD)

3. What do people really think of me?
I'm not okay~My Chemical Romance (i'm not okay? I'm okay)

4. Do people secretly lust after me?
Welcome to the Black Parade~My Chemical Romance (err...)

5. How can I make myself happy?
Famous last Words~MY Chemical ROmance (Oh, so I should plan it now.)

6. What should I do with my life?
In The End~Linkin Park (o...k why does everything here have to do with death or before death)

7. Will I ever have children?
Sleep~My Chem (I'll take that as a yes...Since sleeping with..)

8. What is some good advice for me?
Cancer~My Chem (ok, stay away from cigarettes)

9. What do I think my current theme song is?
The River~Good Charlotte (HELL YEAH!)

10. What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
I Don't Love you~My chem (fair enough)

11. What song will play at my funeral?
This ain't a scene it's an arms race~Fall out boy (errr...yeah)

12. What is my day going to be like?
This is How I disappear~My chem (I'm going to sleep)

13. Why am I here?
American Idiot~Green Day (yup yup)

14. What will people remember me for?
The Sharpest lives~MCR (I wonder...)

15. What song will I get stuck in my head tomorrow?
ZUNG ZUNG FUNKY MUSIC~Orange Range (Yeah! it is catchy...)

16. Are there people outside waiting to take me away?
The End~MCR (NO HOE)

17. What will this year be all about?
Somebody told me~The Killers (Gossip?)

18 - If you reached the top of Mount Everest, you would scream:
The World Is Black~Good Charlotte (I think I 'm telling a factual recount)

19 - The next time you stand up in front of a group of people, you'll say:
Blood~MCR (hehe)

20 - Your message to the world:

21 - Your deepest secret:
Teenagers~MCR (Scare the living shit out of me)

22 - Your innermost desire:
Makes Me Wonder~Maroon 5 (metoo)

23 - Your oldest memory makes you think:
Dead!~MCR (being dead?! Wtf)

24 - Somewhere in your wedding vows, you'll include:
Mama~MCR (My mom says hi)

25 - When you wake up in the morning, you mutter:
I Don't love you~MCR (o..k)

26 - Right now, your feelings are:
I'm not okay~MCR (Ok, get this, It's 12 28 here and I'm still awake, get the irony?)

27 - The day you fall in love will be the day that:
Makes Me Wonder~Maroon 5 (LMAO!! The sentence reads out The day you fall in love will be the day that Makes Me Wonder)

28 - You scream during sex:
Famous Last Words~MCR (OMG!! I'M GONNA HAVE AIDS?!!!!)

29 - Your farewell message to the readers of this:
Welcome to the Black Parade~MCR (You know what it means? Means that you're gonna die)

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